Известная тюнинговая фирма из Японии, прославившаяся в конце 80х выпуском модели М30 на основе Скайлайна 31 купе, с 3х литровым мотором RB30DE, оказывается занималась не только тюнингом Ниссанов, но не брезговала Субару, Хондой, Тойотой и даже Мерседесами (с них как оказалось и начиналась история компании), а так-же изготавливала среднемоторные купе серии ZZ с моторами SR и RB собственной разработки! В настоящее время компания продолжает следовать по своему курсу, выпуская тюнинговые версии GT-R 35 и других Японских автомобилей.
Наиболее имнтересными считаю модели М20 и М30 на основе купе Skyline R31 и R32, Tommy Kaira R на основе GT-R 33 и 34, ну и среднемоторные ZZ-S (SR20DE) и ZZ-II (RB26DETT). А турбированная М30 R32 остаётся моей неосуществимой мечтой со времён Gran Turismo конца 90х годов ))
ниже текст из Википедии на Английском и вкусные фотки )
In the 1987 Tommy Kaira unveiled a tuned Mercedes-Benz 190E which was renamed as the "Tommy Kaira M19". The company subsequently released the M30E, which was based on the Mercedes-Benz 300E. However, from 1988 onwards Tommy Kaira began to exclusively work on automobiles made in Japan, establishing successful contracts with manufacturers Nissan and Subaru. In 1988, the company tuned for the first time a Nissan Skyline R31 (rebranded as Tommy Kaira M30), in 1993 the turn was for the Subaru Impreza (M20b) and the Nissan March (m13) and, finally, in 1994 the first Subaru Legacy Wagon (M20tb) received attention from the Kyoto-based company. The company focused most of its efforts on mechanical and aesthetic modifications to four cars- the Nissan Skyline, Nissan March, Subaru Impreza and Subaru Legacy.
Other models modified have included the Nissan 300ZX, Nissan Silvia, Nissan GTR R35, Toyota Vitz, Nissan 350Z and several kei cars from various manufacturers. Tommy Kaira has consistently rebranded the cars as if they were completely manufactured by the company itself, with the consent of the parent manufacturers: for example, a Subaru Impreza is rebranded as Tommy Kaira M20b or a Nissan 350Z as a Tommy Kaira Z. This phenomenon is not unusual around the world as German manufacturers such as Ruf and Gemballa operate in a similar way with Porsche automobiles.
On the other hand, the rebranding process carried out by Tommy Kaira has arisen some controversy directly related to the status of the company as a car manufacturer. According to the information spot provided by the PlayStation videogame Gran Turismo 2 about the Kyoto-based company, "in 1988 [Tommy Kaira] succeeded in introducing Tommy Kaira M30, Japan's first fully modified high performance car […][while] in 1997, [it] manufactured and marketed its original sports car, the ZZ". In general terms, the 1988 M30 model is regarded as the first integrally tuned Japanese automobile, an integral tuning that implied rebranding of the original model.[clarification needed] This fact acknowledged the capability of Tommy Kaira as an important aftermarket manufacturer and prepared the way for the launch of the company as a consolidated car manufacturer with the self-conceived 1996 ZZ model.