Toyota Carina ED (1G) (ST160 L-タイプ)

Усунення течі охолоджуючої рідини

One day in July, after a short roadtrip, coolant began to leak somewhere from below. Superficial inspection showed a crack in heater water outlet A pipe (OEM 87208-20170), just above the oil filter. Then, almost near my garage, temperature jump to max, so I left car there. I decided to remove pipe and just weld the crack. There was no point in searching for a new or used pipe.

Next day, removing and cleaning the pipe showed that he was unharmed. Problem was in rusty front plug for cylinder block. Outside start to rain, so we decided to take similar plug from Lada 2110 and grind it from 36 mm to 35 mm.

List of used parts:
– TOYOTA 96411-43500 — PLUG, TIGHT, NO.1 (FOR CYLINDER BLOCK) (old)
– AvtoVAZ 00001-0043292-01 — PLUG 36 CUP (new)

Опубліковано: 22 серпня 2020р. 17:40
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